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Introduce my blog and how to study English.

by [찌쏘]'s Magazine 2019. 7. 10.

hello, I'm <JJISSO>

Let's try to make the first English sentence. Please support us with comments though it is not enough.

I have two blog. this one is for English study. and another one is for stock investment and etc. stock blog is main and this one is sub.

I'm struggling to study English. I tried to study English for decades, but the results were not good.

I think that my writing will improve when I write this article. I want to make a lot of foreign friends when I can freely communicate someday.

I posted on a stock blog, but it is my 40s bucket list that speaks English freely. 

If you visit my blog 10 years later, you will see me speaking fluent English. The number of posts will be more.

Please support me. thanks.



40대에 꼭 이루고 싶은 버킷리스트(Bucket List)

5월에는 제 나름대로 생각할 시간이 조금 많이 있었습니다. 5월 뿐만아니라 올해 시작부터 조금은 마음의 여유를 갖게된 것같습니다. 그러던 와중에 50대가 되기전에 ​​40대에 꼭 이루고싶은 다짐을 어딘가에 기..



영어공부에 도전합시다. 나이 40이 넘어서도 할 수 있어요

매일매일 조금씩 들으면, 매일매일 입으로 조금씩 얘기하다보면

언젠가 입도 귀도 열리게 되리라 믿습니다.
저랑 같이 공부해보시죠~ gogo

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