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How to make google adsense revenue $1,000 by every month?

by [찌쏘]'s Magazine 2019. 12. 26.
How to make google adsense revenue $1,000 by every month?

We can see many peoples that earned $1,000 by blog. Every bloggers wanted to make some money by operating own blog. Actually everybody wanted it. but everybody can't be that.

I will inform my experiences how to make google adsense revenue $1,000 by every month. Actually I didn't. Revenue of my blog is $100 by every month. English-speaking countries has so peoples, but another countries is not. because different google adsense CPC. 

How to make google adsense revenue $1,000 by every month?

It is so hard that non Eglish-speaking countries get 1$ per click(CPC), I don't know policy of google adsense and figure CPC. In Korea, I knowned some blog of revenue, most of CPC is $0.2~$0.4. that mean,  deposit same efforts, only 20% of English-speaking countries can earn. so unfortunately..

And in a different sense, of course, many people will search in English.  This means that there is a lot of demand, and that there are many visitors to the blog. so if you want to get high revenue, your blog is designed by in English.

Anyway, I made blog that can earn $100 by every months deposit non english-speaking country. now I will tell you how to made it in 4 skills.

  1. Create a live blog(website)
  2. Communicate to your followers.
  3. Writing your own special themes.
  4. Use keywords and related searches. 

The above 4 skills will activate your blog. 1,2 and 3 are important strategies for returning visits, 4 is a strategy for exposing the top of search engin. 

Most important thing is create a live blog. this means that you write article frequently. I suppose to '1 posting per 1 day'. Although writing a good article, it is not sustainable unless a visitor will leave. If you write very informative very well, you will increase the number of instant visitors, but it is difficult to sustain.

Live blog is activate and persistant. If you don't have life-long knowledge, you should post consistently and attract a variety of visitors. For $100 of a month google adsense revenue in korea, you need 1,000 visitors per day. It can sometimes be a social issue, with over 5,000 visitors per day, but by the next day it will go back to the original.

Second, You should communicate to your followers. Follower is people that love your blog and return visit. That means your article is meaningful. This class of people will always return and share your article with their friends.

Then, How to communicate your followers? it's friendly reply. They have so many question for your article. and expect enough answer. If you reply insincere answer and formal answer, they didn't return your blog. because they didn't get answer they want know.

Third, Writing your own special themes. because visitors want to fresh knowledgs on search engin that they didn't know news. but most articles are very simulary. They want to impressed by your articles out of flood of imformaions.

Formal, the information they already know cannot impress visitors. Only good knowledge gained from experience can do so. And if your blog is filled with this knowledge, visitors will continually crave you for it.

Last, Use Keywords and related serches. it's very simple method. If you write article about 'adsense', make sure you use the most relevant keywords for adsense. Think about it. The reason for searching 'Adsense' is to make money and how to make a lot of money. Isn't that what you are reading this now?


As a Result, you will never get a sable revenue in the short time. You need long-term plan that blog is active. then revenue is the result of an active blog. 


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