Hello, this is JJISSO.
In this post, I'd like to learn about AdSense cost per click (CPC). I remember posting once.
Now let's take a closer look at how you can raise your AdSense cost-per-click (CPC).
I've written a lot of stories in other blog posts, but I don't seem to have any evidence. I'm going to write a post because I proved myself.
2 ways to get high ad revenue
We have to choose two ways to run a blog. To increase your ad revenue based on AdSense alone, ① you can either increase the number of clicks by attracting a lot of visitors, or ② increase the click price (CPC) even for the same number of clicks.
Increasing the number of visitors to your blog is really a constant effort and depends on your personal posting and public relations skills.
How to write good posts and increase your visitors is too general, and naturally, as the number of posts steadily increases.
And because so many blogs explain it, it doesn't really help much. Later, we will post only the essentials.
After all, just because that number of visitors doesn't mean that clicks go up proportionally. Of course, it can be high, but it is not totally proportional, but it may be lower.
Below is a record of my blog's past seven months with visitors and AdSense revenue. As you can see, even though the number of visitors increased by 30% from March to April, ad revenue fell. In January and February, the number of visitors decreased as well.
How to increase google adsense revenue? - make high CPC
The number of visitors increases as you keep posting, Click unit cost (CPC) requires extra work.
I want to write information that other people in different directions don't know. That's how you increase your click price.
Looking back at the chart above, let's compare May to June. Visitors rose roughly 20% from 24,000 to 29,000, but AdSense revenue rose approximately 50%. This is the power of the advertising price.
Perhaps most korean will have a unit price per click of 0.1 (100 won) to 0.3 (300 won), and on average, 200 won (0.2 $). And sometimes you'll get a few thousand won.
However, it is more effective to earn steady profits because the average unit price goes up rather than expecting one shot.
The image above shows that your ad revenue is more than doubled despite the same clicks.
You should know the Google AdSense CPC structure first ...
First, you need to know how the unit price structure of Google AdSense is formed. Based on the contents of the global site,
Relevance to page content
Where ads appear on my blog
High CPC keywords
My blog, for example, when an investment ad like stocks or blogs makes money, the contents of that page are made up of them, so if you are in a relevant and high advertising price, you can get the best profit.
The relevance of the blog's content is almost defined at the beginning of the blog because you've already started to run it and have created a theme.
The second ad position is almost fixed for each blog. To change here and there you need to know HTML / CSS
Finally, the high CPC keyword is the pass because I covered it the last time I posted it, and most of it depends on my posting.
Make sure that only ads with high CTRs / returns are output ...
What do you mean? It's a surprisingly simple way. If the CPC keyword is almost fixed while posting, it will be displayed so that the corresponding advertisement !!! That is to make sure that only the net cutting ads are printed.
Even if you do this, you will be able to get high profits by increasing the click price of Google AdSense.
you can view the impression and revenue share of the ads on your blog by going to the AdSense Sites> Block> All Sites> General Categories tab.
There are so many ads appearing on my blog ... As you can see from above, real estate or beauty is not related to my blog.
My ad positions are limited, but useless ads are getting in the way. I recently blocked everything below 5% of my revenue.
I've left only the ad categories that make up the most revenue. This will leave only my blog posts and ads similar to the page, which will naturally increase the price of the ads.
First, I showed you how to apply it very simply, including the actual case that I applied.
I've actually experimented with other blogs on how to make higher profits by increasing the cost of AdSense, so if there's a good result, I'll put that up. ^^
Those who run blogs using Google AdSense ~~~ Hit the jackpot ~~~
구글 애드센스 클릭단가(CPC) 높이는 방법 - 광고 고수익 만들기
구글 애드센스 클릭단가(CPC) 높이는 방법 - 광고 고수익 만들기
안녕하세요 <찌쏘>입니다. 이번 포스팅에서는 애드센스 클릭단가(CPC, Cost per Click)에 대해서 알아보고자 합니다. 예전에도 제가 포스팅을 한번 했던 기억이 나는데요 이번에는 어떻게 하면 애드센스 클릭 단가..